୨୧ maplebear ♡₊
୨୧ digital journal
a guide to mindful spending
thoughts on a more sustainable approach to fashion (for myself, and maybe for you?)
ꕤ know yourself: this is the most important one, i believe, because it stops you from spending your money and closet space on things you should know that you don't like wearing. everytime i see a cute new top in a store, i have to stop myself and remember that, for example, i never wear anything too low cut, or that has a v-shaped neck, or that is too cropped! doesn't matter how cute the item is, those are things i now know that i don't like and won't end up wearing. other things in my personal list include: bottoms that can only be worn low waisted, shorts that are too short (yes they look good when i'm standing up, but if i wear it to a place where i need to sit??? uncomfortableee), syntetic materials (specially in tops, i can understand and get behind a polyester blend or syntetic material skirt, because sometimes that's what makes it flow or hang nicely; but i always regret feeling sweaty in shirts or blouses), and lately, fake leather items (they never last as long as i would want them to - had to throw away one of my favourite shoes cause it was falling apart! side note here: 1- get real leather stuff from the thrift store, and 2- take care of them! leather cream is a thing and should be used).
ꕤ does it need adjustments? if you are trying something on and think "this would be perfect IF it was a bit shorter / if the buttons were different ones / if the straps were tighter" stop. think of the clothes sitting in your wardrobe: how many of them are waiting for you to fix it? don't buy it unless it already looks the way you want it to look. personally, i do make alterations in my clothes all the time, i even enjoy it! the things i cannot do myself (or would prefer a professional to do), i take to a seamstress when i visit my family at the end of the year. so, unless it's something i can do or wait until i travel to fix and wear it, it's not worth it!
ꕤ make a wishlist: but a very mindful one! you need to think of occasions that are common in your life (for me that would be running errands, going to a coffeeshop, reading in the park, picnics, dinner with friends, brunch) and think about what you would want to wear to those occasions. what i mean by this is if i see a gorgeous more formal dress in a store, i might fall in love with it and want to buy, but realistically, i never have the occasion for it (unless is something you can wear it more casually), i never even been to a wedding, my friends are super casual, etc. after writing down the occasions and what you would want to wear to those, cross out the things you already own and now you have a wishlist! this helps me to have focus when shopping - if it's something i never 'noticed' i needed or wanted to wear on my daily life, do i really need it? probably not.
ꕤ take your time: i think a lot of my fail purchases came from either days where i was shopping with someone that didn't like shopping as much as me (it's okay, few do) and i felt the need to rush in order to not annoy them or buying something impusively (aka something that was not on my radar or wishlist). on the other hand, some of my best purchases to this day were things that i saw, tried it on, left it and then thought about it for days or weeks (specially when getting dressed! "wow this would look cute with that thing i didn't buy). be patient! don't just get something to cross off your wishlist if it's not exactlyyyy what you wanted! (example: i want a oversize boxy navy cardigan with a crew neck style neckline. if i buy one that's oversized but long instead of boxy, i will keep wanting the boxy one. so instead of waiting for the perfect one, i bought an almost-perfect thing and now when i do find the perfect one, i will feel bad about purchasing TWO cardigans instead of just the one i truly wanted).
ꕤ think of your wardrobe: this is one of my favourite parts of shopping to be honest. whatever i am thinking of buying, i put a picture of it on my open wardrobe app and play around with outfits using that new thing with what i already own. (quickly about the app, if you don't know it: it's a digital catalog of your clothes, you add the pictures to it, it removes the background and you can make outfits, add friends to make outfits with their items, etc)! that way i can literally see if it would work with my clothes, or how many outfits i can get out of it. if it is something you can only think of one way to wear, is it worth having?
some resources: openwardrobe app (if u make an account and want to add me so we can play with each other's wardrobes, lmk!) | laini's video (she's such an inspiration!)
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spring °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
spring is my favourite season - i love the weather, the pretty flowers everywhere, the kind of activities you can now do, the clothing, everything! so this is my spring to-do list, what i'm excited for and other flowery thoughts:
⋆˚✿˖° picnics
laying in the grass, eating snacks and drinking something refreshing - how could you not love it? this is definitely my favourite activity. can't wait to use my red gingham picnic blanket and make delicious foods to share.
⋆˚✿˖° light layers i think spring is when i'm most creative and when i have the most fun getting dressed up. i love the possibilities of layering - changing up the same base outfit with different items, mix and matching, having fun with accessories... i wish spring would last longer!
⋆˚✿˖° buying flowers a more or less recent habit that i picked up is buying fresh flowers for the house. i grew up thinking i wasn't a flower person, that i much rather plant flowers in a garden than having them arranged in vases... it seemed like such a waste... but now i feel very different about this. i don't feel as if it's a waste, i feel like it really brightens up a space and really makes me feel so much more at home. it also inspires me to have the rest of the house tidy and neat, so the flowers have a chance to stand up!
⋆˚✿˖° sunday brunch i love going out for brunch, but i feel like that is a saturday activity - however, making brunch at home is definitely a sunday thing. it just feels right! i wish i could do this one more often, but our apartment is really small and we don't have a dining table (well, we do, but it's what we use as working desks, so there's always two computers on it, along with all the rest of the stuff), so it doesn't come as natural as it would. nevertheless i would like to this year, really try and make that into a routine (including taking everything off the table so we can actually sit and eat haha).
⋆˚✿˖° taking instax pictures my instax camera is really old (it's the mini 7s), and i go through phases of being obsessed with it and taking lots of pictures or forgettinh that it is there. i want to get a good balance on it (film is too expensive now too) and get some nice memories on it again. some of my favourite pictures were taken with it!
⋆˚✿˖° baking as i write this, i'm waiting for my loaf of bread to rise. i want to try new recipes, instead of always making the same lemon cake and brown butter miso cookies (don't get me wrong, i LOOOVE those)! i have been saving some recipes for different types of brownies that i really want to try (plus my boyfriend loves brownies! i'm not such a fan tbh). again, living in such a small space can limit my cooking and baking adventures, but i'll give my best shot - i don't have a standing mixer, or a blender, so everything must be doable by hands haha
⋆˚✿˖° weekend trips i can't complain about not travelling a lot, i've already been doing this the whole year; but i really want to keep doing it specially with nicer weather. i really want to visit copenhagen soon! but there's really so many options to travel for a long weekend. that's one of the things i like the most about living in belgium.
⋆˚✿˖° wearing my basket as a bag yes you read that right!! a basket just goes with absolutely every outfit and you cannot make me think otherwise. it adds a bit of fun and cuteness that i simply adore. i will say though, not the most practical. if i'm going to the supermarket, carrying that plus the groceries is not really fun.
⋆˚✿˖° collages, watercolour, getting crafty me and my friends did what we called 'arts and crafts day' a couple times already, and i love it! we did tiny paintings once, the other time was watercolours and we have been planning a ceramics day for a long time (it's just so expensive here!) if you never tried this, you really should! it's not really about being good with art, but getting together, getting creative and of course, talking and having fun!
⋆˚✿˖° reading outside it could be during a picnic, but also just sitting on a bench, or at a café, or even at your local library if it's one of those rainy spring days. there's something about being outside that makes me read so much more for a lot longer - being at home sometimes distracts me from actually reading.
⋆˚✿˖° friends of course!! all these activities would be so nice by yourself, but there's nothing better than spending time with people you love - and that's really the best part of it ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ
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sandy liang wishlist
this is an unrealistic realistic wishlist because 1) if i had a crazy amount of money, i'd probably buy almost everything sandy liang puts out, but 2) i'm being honest with myself since a lot of her clothing items are polyester and i'm not comfortable wearing it - this wishlist contains things i know i'd get a looot of use out of! i love the brand aesthetic, and it inspires me not only in my personal style, but in other aspects of my life. her playfulness and cuteness without being childish is really something i resonate with!
✲ the petal wristlet: not really a big fan of bracelets/other things in my wrists, but oh my god am i obsessed with it!! it's such an adorable detail to add on a plain outfit. i think, however, that this is something on the easy side to diy if you know how to sew (or knit/crochet? i mean, it doesn't have to be in satin!)
✲ narutomaki studs: if you know me, you know one thing i love to collect is cutesy fun different earrings - i know she also made ballet slipper earrings a while back, but since i could not find it on the website today, i'm only including these ones. i know that technically i can't eat narutomakis (they are made out of fish), but they just look TOO cute to pass up.
✲ goto skort: let me be honest; i think every skirt should be a skort and i'm so glad this is a trend now! (however i am of the opinion that a skort should look like a skirt even from behind - i know this is a dividing comment to make, but it just looks nicer!!) this one is also made out of mostly polyester, but for a mini skirt it doesn't bother me. i love the star shaped button detail and the brown colour of the fabric.
✲ small regalo bag: can we just stop for a moment and appreciate how GORGEOUS both the colour of this bag (i'm still obsessed with chartreuse) and the shape?? if you put it on your shoulder, it looks like a big ribbon is tied on, and if you carry it, it looks like you are carrying the most beautiful wrapped gift ever. this bag is one of my favourite pieces of the year already!
✲ mary jane double strap shoes: i have been wanting a pair of red shoes for a while now, and after having my mary jane tabis for a while, i know for sure i'd wear this one a lot too! the square toe and double straps make it so unique yet i feel that it would work with so many different outfits and occasions. the fact that they cost over 500 dollars is the only thing standing between me and the happier version of me, wearing them out and about.
✲ verona bag: if i had this bag, it would definitely, without a doubt, become my new everyday bag. baby pink for me goes with pretty much everything else, and the big bow only adds to my desire of becoming a ghibli character in real life. the only thing that bothers me is that it does have a black buckle on the strap... it kind of ruins it in my opinion. this also looks like something you could diy if you have really good sewing abilities. not my case, unfortunately.
p.s. after i wrote this post, i found the ballet slipper earrings so please go look at how lovely they are!!
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this time of year i love watching and reading some fashion predictions
for the next year, mostly because i find it interesting to see what
other people are thinking of wearing, and less of a guide (i realize i
named this post fashion guide, excuse my lack of vocabulary!!). i
believe that now, being a bit older and more confident in what i like
and, maybe even more important, what i don't like, i have
actually find my own personal style! what impresses me is how much less
that has to do with actual clothing items than one thinks - what i like
to read, watch, visit, eat, drink and buy (this goes from glassware to
couch pillows to stationary, etc) really influences my personal fashion
choices... which makes sense when you think about it! why would i be a
different person when buying cutlery and buying clothes?
this are things that are in my mind and that i want to maybe incorporate
into my wardrobe and daily life - definitely not a guide for anyone but
myself, and even i might change how i feel about all of this (isn't it
lovely to evolve?).

real people, no trends
wear what you want to wear, what you feel comfortable in, what makes you
feel beautiful!! who cares what's trending - that changes so often i'm
surprised anyone can keep up. i love people-watching and noticing what
people are actually wearing outside. the influencer you see in
crazy outfits might only be wearing those for a picture, and that's why
you don't wear that piece of clothing you bought because of her. i've
been victim of this for a long time: seeing a photo that is well edited,
well posed, well marketed and thinking i wanted to look the same - the
problem is, i actually don't have anywhere to go wearing a
colorful pastel sequin skirt, and i definitely didn't have anywhere to
use it when i was 15... but i bought it. and it's now sitting in my
wardrobe for a long time (was going to say how many years but i don't
think that bodes well for me...). long story short, somethings are fun
to look at or maybe try it on at the store, but if there is no use or
too little use for it in my actual life, i'm not buying it anymore.
yes that is me in the picture !!

paying attention to materials
this is the one that really turned me into the most annoying person to
go shopping with. "what does it say on the tag?" is being repeated so
often even i get bored. but listen, i'm in a point in my life where i
cannot be doing with polyester anymore. i turned down sooo many cute
pieces at stores (and at the thrift) because the material was just not
nice!! and i don't regret it at all. natural fibers is the only way to

for most of my life i believed that i didn't had a head for hats. that's
crazy talk. everyone can look nice in a hat! i'm specially obsessed
with these vintage kerchief-balaklava-bonnet type of hats that tie it on
your chin. it's so adorable and it keeps my ears warm on cold winter
days. does it make you look like an old lady? maybe. is that bad? no.

hear me out... what is unflattering, at the end of the day? rudeness,
violence, selfishness. a silly little outfit that does nothing for your
figure is just that: a silly little outfit. wear it!! i don't care if it
doesn't show my waist, makes me look short (i am short), or frumpy. that kind of look has its purposes and its days. if it makes me feel cute, i look cute.

ribbon overuse?
this has been the year of the ribbons and bows, and in the fashion
bubble that i'm in, there's talk of how it will die down soon and make
space for a new obsession amongst the girlies. i do not care. i love
ribbons and i'll keep on wearing them, putting them on my bags, shoes,
hair, etc. i think it suits me, fits my personality and it's such a cute
way of changing up your outfit by adding it (not to mention, cheap!). i
don't love a bow though. maybe i'm wrong (not surprising, as english is
not my first language), but there's a difference between ribbons and
bows - i don't love how the bows look, it's too stiff!

tights and socks
the obsession with tights and socks continues - this year i bought
colorful tights (so fun!) and they can really transform an outfit into
something new! they elevate your look and they are (usually) cheap. they
make mini skirts and dresses wearable during cold weather. i'm also
crazy about wearing a simple outfit like a pair of jeans, neutral
sweater and black loafers and making it super cute and fun just by
adding a colorful sock (like bright red!!) and some accessories.
in the pictures, francesca perks, she's a big inspiration for me!

i'm the kind of girl that always wears short shorts under skirts and
dresses (i feel more comfortable knowing the wind can't reveal to the
world my underwear), but this year i changed them to a cute pair of lacy
bloomers i found and let me tell you, the difference is astounding!!
not really on how you look (cause they are hidden anyway) but in how i
feel! it's adorable and i'm dying for a second pair.

those mod, a-line mini short dresses and coats and jackets are so
lovely, i adore the sillhouette! i think it looks so cool and cute at
the same time, and of course, those would look so pretty with tights and
a mary jane kind of shoe or high knee boots. chef's kiss. may the
thrift store gods bless me with something like this soon!!

buy less, repeat more
i don't think this will come as a surprise after you read all of this
annoyingly detailed post, but yeah, i think reusing your clothes is so
cool. they start to become part of your personality to your friends or
people you see often, but not really anyone else. i don't know why we
grew up thinking that repeating outfits is a bad thing (actually, i do
know... capitalism), but we (i) need to break that line of thought. even
the other day i messaged my friend saying "so sorry i just realized
both times i saw you i was wearing the same dress" and she replied with
"why? you look lovely in it". is she wrong??? never!! i want my clothing
to be sick of me, the washing machine bored of seeing the same pieces
over and over again, and my wallet happy.
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vintage bags
i mentioned one of these days that i was on a vintage bag shopping spree (mostly on vinted)
and some of you said you'd be interested in seeing them! so this is for
you and whoever else is interested in it. the thing i like the most
about buying second hand bags is how cheap i can get real leather! as a
vegetarian, i get a bit uncomfortable buying new leather pieces, but i
see no issues if they are 2nd hand, as i'm not directly contributing to
them being manufactured.
1. reg furla bag
the newest addition to my wardrobe!
it's a great size and shape for everyday use, but i got it mostly for
carrying things for class. i'm planning on getting back to studying
japanese (yes, i'm ditching dutch! reasons will follow on a diary post
soon... i think...) and honestly i got tired of carrying a tote bag for
class every week!
2. my perfect bag
this one is honestly my favourite
bag ever, and the one i use the most! as you can see, i have attached a
baby pink ribbon and a little miffy keychain to it. it fits everything i
need on a everyday basis, and it keeps it organized since it has two
zipper compartments instead of opening to just one big pocket. i got it
on a local thrift store, and the brand is okay's!
3. baby missoni
another great vinted find - this
square small missoni bag is just too cute! as you can tell, i love brown
coloured leather, and this just screams autumn for me. still haven't
got a chance to wear it, but i'm very excited to do so! and it fits more
than it looks (well, not on this picture i used, all three bags are
kinda the same size haha)
what's in my bag?
this has always been one
of my favourite posts in blogs back in the day. i'm just a nosy person
that loves seeing what everyone carries around... i hope this can be
interesting for you to see too!

boring essentials
you know... keys and wallet. nothing exciting unless you think a 101
dalmatians wallet and a spongebob keychain is interesting! they are
pretty old by now, but i haven't found anything that i like more to
replace them with... i like the size of the wallet cause it fits into most of my smaller bags. the keys not so much, but if i leave the house with my boyfriend then he carries his keys, haha

nicer essentials
i'm the kind of girl that carries little bags inside her bag. the pink
thing with the eyes is where i carry my ultimate essentials (really, i
don't go ANYWHERE without them): lipbalm and liptint. there's also two
lipsticks inside, but the lipbalm and liptint combo is my go to, i open
this little bag every hour or so to reapply! the small tins are to carry
mints (in the blue miffy one), and medicine (in the van gogh's
sunflowers one). the big miffy pouch is for other girly stuff - tampons,
pads, napkins, more medicine, band-aids, safety pins, handcream... you
name it, i've got it.

not everyday, but often
these are not absolutely always in my bag, but pretty often: my
planner/diary (yes, it's miffy, again...), a small pencil case with a
mechanical pencil, pen, eraser and post-it notes, and a book! the book
of course changes often so this one is just to illustrate. usually if
i'm carrying these, i'm going to a cafe to read and write, or to the
library (or both!!)
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recent fashion obsessions
after some recent fashion shows, specially the sandy liang spring 2024 rtw,
i decided i needed to write more about fashion, or at least my current
obsessions, since i saw a couple of them being presented in the runways!
i feel like now is such a cool moment in fashion, because there's so
many different trends going on, or different aesthetics, that...
everything is in? and i feel that this makes me more comfortable wearing
what i want to wear instead of what everyone is wearing. customizing your real life character is fun again.

butter yellow
i need everything that i buy now to be in butter yellow. it's such a
underated, warm and cosy colour. i specially like it in cardigans and
tops, or in accessories (a ribbon in your hair, bags, or shoes). for a
long time i thought i coulnd't wear light yellow because of my
complexion, but honestly, i'm over dressing to be "flattering" most of
the time. what even is flattering? i think it should be things that make
YOU happy. so what if i look a bit washed out? i'm pale anyways.

red accent
like the butter yellow, i also never wore red. not because of it not
being flattering (who doesn't look great in red?), but because all my
life i believed it was a "grown up woman" colour. being called cute all
the time instead of pretty also lead me to believe i couldn't wear red.
now i think i can still be cute in red (*∪`) and red nail polish on
shorter nails? adorable. a red ribbon on my bag or hair? lovely. i
really like the look of a red pair of socks with a neutral outfit too.
i'm still on the lookout for a nice red leather bag - preferably second

another colour? yes!! look, i've been thinking about chartreuse for a
WHILE now. months ago i got a really cute crochet bag pattern, but
couldn't use it yet because i cannot find a nice chartreuse yarn! it's
just such a fun colour to add to your wardrobe. i think it's on the same
level as royal blue, which is also kinda trending. it goes so well with
all the neutrals, and with other colours too, like baby pink! however,
unlike the royal blue, i feel like chartreuse belongs on accessories. i
just don't think it will age as well in clothes. and i'm over buying
things to wear just now! cool girls buy stuff to wear for yearrrs!

handmade detail
i have so many plans to customize pieces of clothes i already have, it's
insane. instead of buying new stuff, how about just customizing what
you already have? a plain white t-shirt that you got a pasta stain on?
you can add a cute embroidery on top of it, and it's like a new tshirt!
or adding a safety pin with a ribbon on, or sewing a pattern piece of
fabric, patchwork style! you can also dye your piece another colour, or
remake it into something else (this one requires a bit more technique,
maybe a sewing machine, or just take it to a tailor!)

boring is cool
you heard it here first. what i mean by that is, neutral, plain items
are just more realistic to be worn more often. this doesn't mean to wear
just a plain outfit everytime. it's about re-wearing your items
in as many different ways as possible! now, of course this is easier
when the items itself are a bit more boring - but, what i consider a
neutral is personal to me. for me, pink and leopard print are neutrals.
for you, maybe black and white are neutrals. for someone else, all those
things are neutrals. we just need to find what works for us, what we
like and how to have fun with it. i'm still in the process of clearing
out my wardrobe (there's things in there i bought when i was 15 that
just don't fit my style anymore!) and shrinking my options (i've come to
understand that i get overwhelmed by having so much stuff... plus i
ended up wearing my favourite things over and over again. i want my
whole wardrobe to feel like this. i want to look at every piece and WANT
to wear them)!
you can check the moodboard i made for this post on my landing page!
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tabi shoes: a love story
i cannot tell you for how long i've loved tabis... and now my dreams
came true! (well, almost, but honestly for me it makes no difference...)
i got tabi mary janes! they are not real margiela's (who can afford
those?), but a dupe from an etsy shop!
they are SUPER comfortable, cute, handmade with real leather... and at a
fraction of the price! if you are looking for a tabi shoe, i highly
recommend them. anyway, the moodboard is a little inspiration for how
i'm planning on wearing them - i cannot wait for autumn weather! ╭(
・ㅂ・)و ʸᵉˢ!

ceramics ideas
a moodboard with ideas and inspiration for when i return to ceramics
class at the end of the year! i'm very excited to make more kitchen
stuff (bowls, plates, mugs!) and to make some as gift for friends (is
there anything better than a handmade gift?) i really wanted to already
live in my dream house, so i'd also have space for all the cute and
unique pieces in my kitchen... right now i don't think i could fit much
more in our cupboards!

high knee brown boots inspo
just bought knee high boots and needed some inspo! i think they look
nice with socks that are a bit higher than the boots itself, and i love
how the brown leather looks with other colours (even black)
adding ribbons to the hair or bag gives it a romantic and feminine touch, which i simple adore ୨୧
it goes nicely with skirts of any lenght, dresses and shorts - i think it will be such a good autumn wardrobe essential (•ᴗ<)

the fantastic
the fantastic is based essentially on a hesitation of the reader — a
reader who identifies with the chief character — as to the nature of an
uncanny event. this hesitation may be resolved so that the event is
acknowledge as reality, or so that the event is identified as the fruit
of imagination or the result of an illusion; in other words, we may
decide that the event is or is not.
(to read more, click on the image above!)

a strange softness III: ophelia
For more than a thousand years sad Ophelia
Has passed, a white phantom, down the long black river.
For more than a thousand years her sweet madness
Has murmured its ballad to the evening breeze.